Leeds Urban Village, or LUV for short, is a 3.8-acre brownfield development plot to the East of Leeds city centre.
Cole Waterhouse and Tonia Investments Limited have formed a Joint Venture to develop and progress the scheme, which will add to the expansion of the City Eastwards.
The JV will be creating a new urban community with an abundant selection of amenities and a new 1.13-acre public park right at the heart of the development.
Leeds Urban Village, or LUV for short, is a major regeneration project situated at the forefront of a key expansion corridor For Leeds City Centre.
LUV will be a new community of 1,012 new homes to the East of Marsh Lane. The development is arranged over five residential blocks, with a new 1.13-acre public green space situated at the heart of the project.
All residential blocks directly interact with over 18,000 square foot of new ground floor commercial space and residential amenity.
The site is located within close proximity to the new cultural heart of the city; a place that is home to the West Yorkshire Playhouse and Great Northern Ballet. It is hoped that Leeds Urban Village will become a destination in itself, but one that builds upon the surrounding cultural offering.
The homes are currently proposed as a mixture of Build to Rent, Open Market Sale as well as Affordable Mixed-Tenure.
855k sqft
Total Square Feet
Residential Units
18,500 sqft
Commercial Space
£300 million
Development Value
Q2 2024
Start on Site (Phase 1)
Q3 2026
Projected Completion (Ph1)
May 2022
Site Acquired
June 2023
NMA Planning Approved
Q2 2024
Phase 1 Planned Commencement of Works
Q3 2026
Phase 1 Estimated Completion